
, , 
Price: 204 982 000 RUB Sale
  • Total square: 820 m2
    Land square: 12 ares
Total square:
820 m2
Land square:
12 ares
- Exterior - The castle has an irregular quadrangular with imposing walls from which rise three towers with battlements rectangular.In front of the main entrance is an old fountain in 1500 with three masks and three taps from where drinking water still flows.- Internal- Museum: In the entire museum are exhibited specimens of tapestries, fabrics, some models of guns of 1700 weapons and armor, instruments of torture, paintings of the 1800s, maps of ancient Abruzzo, sacred parameters of 1700 and the Military decorations and chivalry.A dozen rooms including a kitchen, a living room, a small library, a corridor of communication with exposed decorations, a room of paintings, a hall, a bedroom, a Gothic hall, three bathrooms, church,
, , , Абруццо